Monday, April 9, 2012

Ahhhhh, to be 16 again....

4. List 10 things you would tell your 16-year-old self, if you could.

1) Date. Its fun. And it shows you exactly what you do & don't want the man you marry in the future to be like. And it doesn't keep you wondering "what it would be like to be with other people" like you will hear from others in their marriages. But don't get too serious with any of them. However, when a sexy blue-eyed guy with sandy-blond hair comes around.... stick with him. Its worth it :)

2) Stay in softball, even though the coach is a major creep/perv/jerk. Because you are going to miss playing the game more than anything.

3) Stick with your good friends, and don't worry about the ones who easily come into and just as easily leave your life. They aren't worth it.

4) Do better in school. It is so worth it.

5) Don't wear that ugly blue shirt on your last day of senior year. It is horrendous looking, does not look "school spirit-ish", and you will have 100 pictures in that stupid thing.

6) Spend plenty of time with your parents & siblings. You will actually miss them when you leave for college.

7) Don't get those highlights. Just DON'T.

8) Enjoy having very minimal responsibilities and so much free time! Have adventures. Go to every single concert you can. Because you will never lose your love for seeing new artists live, but you will lose the time to do it.

9) Don't worry about what people think. Be yourself and enjoy every minute of it. Plus, it may help you with that whole fear of public speaking thing.

10) Learn how to cook. Seriously. And be more adventurous in what foods you try. Maybe it'll make you less picky as an adult.

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